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Friday, October 29, 2010

Glue Arts

Go over to the Glue Arts blog for your chance to be BOO'd. How cool would it be to win I mean get Boo'd?  I've been dying to get my hands on one of those glue glider pro's for a while, and since we can't really afford it right now, wouldn't it be so amazing to win! You know I've got my fingers crossed...and arms...and legs...and but seriously, have fun everyone and good luck. May the best get Boo'd!!



  1. Oh my gosh - I must quit rubbing my eyes so hard.

    I thought your sign said GLUE FARTS!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. Hey Amy...THANK YOU GIRL for your awesome comment on my blog!!!!! You made me smile!!! ;)

  3. Hey miss,

    You won some candy on my blog today, during the Cooking With Cricut Blog Hop... email me with your addy at mapottie (at) yahoo (dot) ca and I will get it in the mail for you :)

