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Sunday, April 18, 2010

My First Blog Award!!!!

Thank you to Amandier over at The Lady Wolf's Art Corner for this awesome award! I've never received one before...How awesome is that!! You made my day!
Terms of the award: Must list 10 things about yourself, thank the person who gave it to you and pass it onto 10 wonderful bloggers:
1. I am a florist by day and papercrafter any chance I get!
2. I met my significant other over the internet 12 years
ago in June and we have 2 awesome kids
3. I live in the desert of Arizona/Clifornia/Neavada and
endure summer heat of 125 degrees at it's hottest!
4. I love all forms of art/crafting
5. I am a twin
6. I wish I had my own craft room!
7. I wish I could make papercrafts for a living
8.I love my family and they are my WHOLE world!
9. I am a hard worker
10. I love to play Beatles Rockband with my kids LOL!
10 Wonderful Bloggers
Please post the badge on your blog and list the 10 things about yourself and
then share the love and pass it onto 10 more people.



  1. Thank you so much for this award (oh that sounded rather Oscar-ish didnt it!!) LOL

    Love your list of 10 and wish i lived in the desert too - the UK is far too cold!!


  2. Oh wow! Thanks so much for 1) reading my blog and 2) passing on a blog award! I greatly appreciate it!!
    :) Mags

  3. You deserve this award. Your files are so appreciated.
